Barbarian Procs

1.000 Frostbite
1.000 Onslaught
1.000 Punish
1.000 Instigation
0.333 Pulverize

0.667 Rupture
0.667 Reaping Swing
0.667 Scattering Blast
0.400 Broad Sweep
0.667 Gathering Storm

0.750 Sidearm
0.750 Berserk
0.750 Vanguard
0.750 Smite
0.750 Maniac

Weapon Throw
1.000 Mighty Throw
0.333 Ricochet
1.000 Throwing Hammer
1.000 Stupefy
1.000 Balanced Weapon

Hammer of the Ancients
0.400 Rolling Thunder
0.667 Smash
0.667 The Devil´s Anvil
0.667 Thunderstrike
0.667 Birthright

0.250 Ravage
0.333 Blood Lust
0.333 Lacerate
0.333 Mutilate
0.333 Bloodbath
0.333 on kill Bloodbath

Seismic Slam
0.333 Stagger
0.333 Shattered Ground
0.111 Rumble (main)
0.111 Rumble (each tremor)
0.333 Strength from Earth
0.333 Permafrost

0.200 Dust Devils (WW)
0.200 Dust Devils (tornado)
0.200 Hurricane
0.200 Blood Funnel
0.200 Wind Shear
0.200 Volcanic Eruption

Ancient Spear
0.4710 Ranseur
0.3925 Harpoon (2 procs)
0.4710 Jagged Edge
0.4710 Boulder Toss
0.3925 Rage Flip (2 procs)

Ground Stomp
0.250 Deafening Crash
0.200 Wrenching Smash (2 procs)
0.250 Trembling Stomp
0.250 Foot of the Mountain
0.250 Jarring Slam

0.333 Iron Impact
0.333 Launch (takeoff)
0.333 Launch (impact)
0.200 Toppling Impact (2 procs)
0.200 Call fo Arreat (2 procs)
0.333 Death from Above (2 procs)

0.0056 Run like the Wind
0.0056 Gangway

Ignore Pain
0.000 Bravado

0.200 Storm of Steel (main)
0.200 Storm of Steel (axe)
0.333 Killing Spree
0.333 Crushing Advance
0.333 Momentum
0.333 Revel

0.333 Blood Law
0.333 Best Served Cold
0.333 Retribution
0.333 Grudge
0.333 Provocation

Furious Charge
0.500 Battering Ram
0.500 Merciless Assault
0.500 Stamina
0.500 Cold Rush
0.500 Dreadnought

0.080 Volcano <> 25 total
0.045 Lahar <> 1 on cast + 9
0.000 Snow-Capped Mountain (still bugged)
0.050 Tectonic Rift <> 1 on cast + 9
0.050 Glacier <> 2 on cast + 9

0.050 Giant´s Stride <> 2 on cast + 15
0.050 Chilling Earth <> 2 on cast + 15
0.040 The Mountain´s Call <> 2 on cast + 15
0.050 Molten Fury <> 2 on cast + 15
0.050 Cave-In <> 3 on cast + 15

Wrath of the Berserker
1.000 Arreat´s Wail
0.250 Slaughter

Proc coefficients are applied in these scenarios:

> Bloodshed = proc coefficient * 100 chance to be triggered on crits (%)
> Slaughter = proc coefficient * 100 chance to be triggered on crits (%)
> Swords to Ploughshares = 21,457 * proc coefficient Life per crit
> Overpower cooldown red. = proc coef. * 100 chance to reduce by 1 sec on crits (%)
> Mighty Weapons Master = 2 * proc coefficient Fury per hit
> Mirinae = 0.15 * proc coefficient * 100 chance to be triggered on hits (%)
> Wreath of Lightning = 0.15 * proc coefficient * 100 chance to be triggered on hits (%)
> Gogok = (gem tooltip / 100) * proc coefficient chance to be triggered on hits (%)
> Odyn Son = (power probability / 100) * proc coef. chance to be triggered on hits (%)
> Andariel = proc coefficient * 100 chance to be triggered on hits (%)
> CC on hit = (base probability / 100) * proc coef. chance to be triggered on hits (%)

Thunderfury is an on hit proc as well but we don´t know its base probability, could be 50 or 60%.

Things that are unaffected by proc coefficients:

> Life per Hit
> Stalgard (100% on attack)
> Shard of Hate (?? on attack)
> Zodiac
> Taeguk
> Broken Promises
> Wind Shear (1 Fury per WW hit)
> Blood Funnel (1% of max life per crit)
> Strength from Earth (1% of max life per hit)
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