How do I get my items

Steps to get you items quick.

Steps on how to get your diablo 3 mods.

1. Leave a note during check out of your PSN or Xbox One ID.

2. Purchase Delivery Service

3. For PS4 Users please wait for friend request and for Xbox Users please wait for an email on how to add our Gtag.

4. Check your email (this our main form of contact if something is wrong for example you gave us a xb1 or psn id that cant be found etc..).

   4a. For Xbox users, you will need to add our GTAG as FAV which will be provided via email.

5. Check your in-game mailbox and you should have your items sent to you.

If you have ordered and forgot to leave your psn or xbox ID as a note please email with your order # and your psn id or xb1 gtag.

Usually orders missing this information will be contacted by us via email or if you cant be reached via email we would text you by your registered phone to obtain this information in order to deliver the items to you.


Deliveries are usually instant, and if it's not then it could mean two things.

1. You have have purchased during sleep hours. Just patiently wait and deliveries will resume in the morning.

2. You gave us the wrong information and we can't deliver until we get the correct information such as psn or xb1 gtag.

You may also contact directly, to see ways of contact click here

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